Children & Families

Nursery Leaders:
Steve and Julie Davie

Infants and children are a high priority at Richland Global Methodist Church. So, we have nursery service during every Sunday Worship for children ages 0-4. Church personnel are certified with the Safe Sanctuary Training. Steve and Julie came to Athens complement of the US Air Force. They are blessed with 5 children and now are the proud grandparents of 7 amazing grandchildren. They have been attending RGMC for over 22 years. They count it as a blessing and high honor to have been serving in the nursery for the past 10 years.

Goals In Our Nursery:

Adventure Land
Kid’s Church

Following the beginning of Sunday Service, children and teenagers are welcome to attend what we call Adventure Land Church. Located in the Fellowship Hall (pictures above) and outdoor space, Adventure Land provides ample space and activities for your young ones to experience church that will make them eager to come back each week!
Adventure Land is led by the Education Committee (Safe Sanctuary Certified).

Children ages 4+ are welcome to attend our Adventure Land Children’s Church.